Our product portfolio – All from a single source

Whether for water wells or geothermal energy applications, we create standards with solutions and tailored custom designs. In our history, we developed a large number of products for the well drilling industry that are proven,  recognized and improve the water well construction significant.

Products like HAGULIT®, SBF Norip® or NORESTA® are highly required worldwide. In application range of submersible pumps and geothermal energy, we are known for our expertise and technical competence. Take your benefit from our customized solutions!

Our product areas at a glance

Markus Hollmann Geschäftsführer

A víz
iránti szenvedélyünk még 100 évvel cégünk megalapítása után is tükröződik minden termékünkben és alkalmazásunkban."

Dipl.-Ing. Markus Hollmann
GWE Geschäftsführer

Professional water well construction for safe tap water supply

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Installation of a high-quality stainless steel wire-wrapped screen for drinking water supply


Get in touch with us!


Moorbeerenweg 1
31228 Peine, Germany

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