8. GWE technology forum “Water well construction and geothermal energy”

Peine – For the eighth time now, the industry came together for a professional exchange of ideas at the GWE technology forum on January 25 and 26. After events in Stuttgart and Braunlage, held every 2 years as usual, GWE invited attendees back to its home location in Peine. With its high-class ambience, the Hotel Schönau once again provided an excellent environment for this 2-day lecture series. GWE was thrilled to receive more than 100 participants from throughout Germany as well as from Poland, Austria and the Netherlands. The conference room was filled to the last seat. The experts in water well construction and geothermal energy listened very attentively to the 14 specialist lectures throughout the program.

In particular, the practical approach and open discussion after each lecture gave the event a special touch. The focal topics included geological challenges in water well construction and geothermal energy. Several national and international construction projects were presented in detailed and problem areas were discussed. The first lecture series concluded with digitalization of pump technology. This was directly followed by a plant visit to the nearby GWE location, where visitors got a first-hand look at this and many other topics in product development. In addition, participants got the chance to look at the drilling rigs from the PRAKLA and Klemm brands and tried their hands at active operation with a drilling rig simulator from BAUER Maschinen GmbH. During the communal dinner and afterwards, guests shared their impressions from their day.

The second day of the event also brought a wide range of exciting lecture topics. Whether digitalized planning of geothermal energy systems, project-specific designs or contamination of wells – the speakers impressed the audience through and through with their professional expertise and open dialogue, so that participants were able to take home considerable added value for their work routines apart from the certificate according to DVGW worksheet W 120-1/2.

It was wonderful to meet face to face again with industry experts and conduct a lively dialogue about current topics. 

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